We were happy to welcome 2023 with great news and exciting projects in a bustling quarter. Q1 brought DuneFront’s name to four renowned conferences worldwide, a new technical paper published, multiple training courses delivered and expansion of our software team.

To continue sharing our knowledge, we delivered three successful training courses this quarter. The first two were both in-house courses: “Advanced Sand Control” for an Operator in the Asia-pacific region, and “Sand Control Design and Evaluation using PackPro” for the Eastern Hemisphere engineers of a major Service Company. We then partnered with Fleming to deliver a 4-day public training course on “Sand Control Completions and Gravel Pack Design” which was attended by engineers from companies around the world.
Do you have any sand control training requirements? Get in touch here and we’ll work with you to create a custom solution.

Our technical team attended multiple conferences this quarter. The Hydraulic fracturing symposium in The Woodlands, Texas, USA was an excellent opportunity to keep informed about the latest fracturing technology and market updates.
We also attended the Egypt Petroleum Show (EGYPS) and Middle East Oil and Gas Show (MEOS) where we were excited to see the development of the market in the region and explore networking opportunities.
At the International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC) in Thailand, our Senior Technical Sales Engineer, Kesavan Govinathan, had the pleasure of presenting our latest paper “Application of Simulation Software to Enhance Filter Cake Breaker Placement” which was written with Halliburton and very well received!

We continuously work to improve our software and meet your requirements. In February, we welcomed Yana Hryharenka to the DuneFront team as our new Software Test Engineer. She will be in charge of our testing processes to make sure we continue to deliver high quality software to you as we add new features. To celebrate the good news, our software team met in Poland to welcome her with a friendly go-kart race, dinner and a few drinks.:)
PackPro 6.0 was released a few months back with many new features that are simple, easy to use and save time. If you’re already using PackPro, check our the tip below which may come in useful! If you’re interested in trying PackPro, request a free demo here.

It’s been a great first quarter, and we can’t wait for the opportunities the rest of the year will bring us. Keep an eye on our social media for updates on our upcoming events, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any sand control software, consulting or training requirements.